Pauli Group

Protecting The Future of Blockchain from Quantum Attacks

Anchor’s smart contract wallet fortresses your assets against threats posed by today’s technology, and tomorrow’s. We implement blockchain technology to ensure your investments are safe, secure, and supported with advanced quantum-resistant infrastructures.
Eliptic curve cryptography

The imminent evolution of quantum computing threatens the security and integrity of your data, and will soon be after your crypto encryptions.

The Pauli Group Solution

Our smart contract wallet uses compact post-quantum signature schemes to safeguard assets from attacks by quantum computers.

Post-quantum Transition

An evolving eco system for your post-quantum secure assets. A home for your coins, NFT's and private keys that are actually yours.

The Problem

The secp256k1 Weakness

The imminent evolution of quantum computing threatens the security and integrity of your data, and will soon be after your crypto encryptions. Elliptic curve cryptography is the Achilles heel of web3 and jeopardizes your ownership, privacy, and autonomy.

A large enough quantum computer can recover the private key from the public key.

The rate of crypto key breaking is set to exponentially increase.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The Pauli Group Solution

With great power comes great responsibility.

But quantum computing won’t have an upper hand at breaking a Lamport signature. Our smart contract wallet uses compact post-quantum signature schemes to safeguard assets from attacks by quantum computers. We deploy Lamport signature functions across all ETH and EVM blockchains to strengthen security, move funds, and create and manage tokens and currency.


About Quantum Computing

Understanding the power and impact of quantum computing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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How We Anchor Your Assets To Thwart Crypto Crime

Quantum computers were not considered to be likely built in the 21st century when secp256k1 was chosen as the signature method for Bitcoin in 2008. secp256k1 is one type of public key cryptography method (which is analogous to sharing an opened lock to a friend, who locks a message in a box and only you have the key to open the lock and read the message). A public key on the secp256k1 elliptic curve can be broken for its private key by Quantum Computers in less than a day. Our wallet upgrades/protects your ETH and EVM blockchains now so you don’t lose later.x
Current quantum computers are very noisy, but are steadily getting less noisy as hardware improves. In the next 2 years, we’ll reach the point where experimental methods can use all those noisy qubits to encode “logical” qubits with even less noise. This exponential suppression of noise and errors is called “fault-tolerance”. In itself, this is not sufficient to break the current cryptography of blockchains, but is a complete prototype for future devices. There are few applications for those intermediate quantum computers other than validating simple quantum algorithms that can be replicated (at large cost) on classical computers. This regime is what we refer to as “early fault-tolerant experiments”. The larger and bigger devices that will be built subsequently are the ones that will become increasingly threatening for cryptography.
Current quantum computers are very noisy, but are steadily getting less noisy as hardware improves. In the next 2 years, we’ll reach the point where experimental methods can use all those noisy qubits to encode “logical” qubits with even less noise. This exponential suppression of noise and errors is called “fault-tolerance”. In itself, this is not sufficient to break the current cryptography of blockchains, but is a complete prototype for future devices. There are few applications for those intermediate quantum computers other than validating simple quantum algorithms that can be replicated (at large cost) on classical computers. This regime is what we refer to as “early fault-tolerant experiments”. The larger and bigger devices that will be built subsequently are the ones that will become increasingly threatening for cryptography.
PG Measures threat and protects against it the wallet. Given the advancement of hardware roadmaps, milestones, and the resource requirements for breaking secp256k1, it can be estimated that quantum computers will be able to break blockchains by 2031-2033. We’ve deployed challenges to directly measure the progress of quantum computers at breaking the cryptography of blockchains to use this data to refine and calibrate our risk models. (measurement down on

The security of the elliptic curve depends on the difficulty of solving discrete and uncommon logarithm problems, which quantum computers can do easily. A better known, widely used public key cryptography method is RSA. RSA security rests on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, which quantum computers are also good at. For the current implementations, secp256k1 is easier to break with quantum computers than the commonly-used security benchmark, RSA-2048. RSA-2048 will likely break a few months after secp256k1. When we hear “quantum computers are good at factoring”, this is often in reference to breaking the security of RSA. For blockchains the equivalent statement is that “quantum computers are good at discrete logarithms”. The fact that there is more jargon involved may partially explain why the problem is not well known for blockchains.


Quantum computers were not considered to be likely built in the 21st century when secp256k1 was chosen as the signature method for Bitcoin in 2008. secp256k1 is one type of public key cryptography method (which is analogous to sharing an opened lock to a friend, who locks a message in a box and only you have the key to open the lock and read the message). A public key on the secp256k1 elliptic curve can be broken for its private key by Quantum Computers in less than a day. Our wallet upgrades/protects your ETH and EVM blockchains now so you don’t lose later.

Early Fault-Tolerant Experiments

Current quantum computers are very noisy, but are steadily getting less noisy as hardware improves. In the next 2 years, we’ll reach the point where experimental methods can use all those noisy qubits to encode “logical” qubits with even less noise. This exponential suppression of noise and errors is called “fault-tolerance”. In itself, this is not sufficient to break the current cryptography of blockchains, but is a complete prototype for future devices. There are few applications for those intermediate quantum computers other than validating simple quantum algorithms that can be replicated (at large cost) on classical computers. This regime is what we refer to as “early fault-tolerant experiments”. The larger and bigger devices that will be built subsequently are the ones that will become increasingly threatening for cryptography.

Empirical Risk Assessment

PG Measures threat and protects against it the wallet. Given the advancement of hardware roadmaps, milestones, and the resource requirements for breaking secp256k1, it can be estimated that quantum computers will be able to break blockchains by 2031-2033. We’ve deployed challenges to directly measure the progress of quantum computers at breaking the cryptography of blockchains to use this data to refine and calibrate our risk models. (measurement down on

Projections For Breaking RSA

The security of the elliptic curve depends on the difficulty of solving discrete and uncommon logarithm problems, which quantum computers can do easily. A better known, widely used public key cryptography method is RSA. RSA security rests on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, which quantum computers are also good at. For the current implementations, secp256k1 is easier to break with quantum computers than the commonly-used security benchmark, RSA-2048. RSA-2048 will likely break a few months after secp256k1. When we hear “quantum computers are good at factoring”, this is often in reference to breaking the security of RSA. For blockchains the equivalent statement is that “quantum computers are good at discrete logarithms”. The fact that there is more jargon involved may partially explain why the problem is not well known for blockchains.

The Problem

Eliptic curve cryptography is the Achille's heel of web3.

Blockchain Eliptic Curve

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

Empirical Risk Assessment

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

Current Best Estimates

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

Early Fault-Tolerant Experiments

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

Projections For Breaking RSA

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales


Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

The Pauli Group Solution

With great power comes great responsibility.

Quantum Computing Threat

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

Solution Implementation

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

Securing Vulnerability

Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales

The Problem

Anchor Wallet Brings Future Security To Today’s Technology

Safe first, sorry never.

Protect your assets from the regret of hindsight with our (quantum-proof) smart contract wallet.

Secure your digital assets with industry-leading security.

Quantum-resistant signatures are the future of secure blockchain. Download your code now.

Low risk, low commitment. High Reward.

Simply minting your smart contracts future-proofs your blockchain assets seamlessly, invisibly, and quickly by anchoring your signature on the blockchain.

You hold your own keys. Always.

Your keys are your property and will remain that way. No one can access your info, you can’t access theirs, period.

Store all of your crypto and NFTs in one place.

You only need one physical wallet, and the same goes for your digital one.

Community Buzz

What industry leading companies are saying

Jay Gambetta IBM Quantum VP - IBM

What IBM has to say

Simone Severini Director, Quantum Computing - AWS

What Amazon has to say

    Community Buzz

    What industry leaders are saying

    Hartmut Neven Engineering Director - Google

    Id felis ut senectus platea cubilia. Ac litora pretium pellentesque elementum lacus sem arcu justo curae. Mus fermentum habitant conubia pede consectetuer.

    Jay Gambetta IBM Quantum VP - IBM

    Id felis ut senectus platea cubilia. Ac litora pretium pellentesque elementum lacus sem arcu justo curae. Mus fermentum habitant conubia pede consectetuer.

    Simone Severini Director, Quantum Computing - AWS

    Id felis ut senectus platea cubilia. Ac litora pretium pellentesque elementum lacus sem arcu justo curae. Mus fermentum habitant conubia pede consectetuer.


      Frequently Ask Questions

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

      Quantum computers are physical devices that harness the laws of quantum mechanics to efficiently solve some types of problems that would otherwise take ages on machines designed to operate only from classical physics principles.

      Quantum computers will have the ability to recover the private keys from the public keys stored on blockchains. Almost all blockchains use elliptic curve cryptography for signing transactions on a ledger. While elliptic curve cryptography cannot be hacked with a classical computer, it is one of the easiest methods to break with a large enough quantum computer using Shor's discrete logarithm algorithm.
      secp256k1 refers to the parameters of the elliptic curve used in Bitcoin's public-key cryptography, and is defined in Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) (Certicom Research, Currently Bitcoin uses secp256k1 with the ECDSA algorithm, though the same curve with the same public/private keys can be used in some other algorithms such as Schnorr.

      secp256k1 was almost never used before Bitcoin became popular, but it is now gaining in popularity due to its several nice properties. Most commonly-used curves have a random structure, but secp256k1 was constructed in a special non-random way which allows for especially efficient computation. As a result, it is often more than 30% faster than other curves if the implementation is sufficiently optimized. Also, unlike the popular NIST curves, secp256k1's constants were selected in a predictable way, which significantly reduces the possibility that the curve's creator inserted any sort of backdoor into the curve.
      P2PK addresses on Bitcoin (for which the public key is recorded on the blockchain) are at imminent risk.
      The Pauli Group solution: assess the risk empirically with application benchmark challenges that can be used to measure the progress of the large-scale integration of quantum computing systems. Specifically, these benchmarks will take the form of challenge for near- and mid-term fault-tolerant devices meant to quantitatively assess the risks of cryptographic assets.